Alter and Prayer Hall

“The sublime spirit of the messages and prayers of those Sages, of their faith and love, of their dedication and efforts to have constant Communion with that Supreme Divinity can be experienced collectively in one of the India’s priceless traditions – ‘the Temple’. – Swami Vinayakananda.
A alter that radiates Divinity and imparts holiness and awakens the innate Spiritual tendencies stand as an elegant edifice with Holy Mother Sri Sharada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna Deva and Swami Vivekananda as the presiding Deities. It contains a spacious art-strewn prayer hall and is surrounded by garden. The absolute silence and sublimity imparts transcendental joy. The living presence of the Holy Trio can palpably be felt even by a lay casual visitor. The worship and all other timely services to the Deities is being carried on daily with absolute precision in accordance to the Ramakrishna Tradition. All festivals and special occasions like Rama-naam on Ekadashi, birthday observances of all 16 Direct Disciples, and other celebrations too are carried on. The Kitchen, Dining Hall and Office is attached in the same building.
Holy Mother’s Rock

In 1911 (March), Holy mother Sri Sharada Devi visited Bangalore and stayed in the Ramakrishna Math, Basavanagudi. One evening Mother climbed over a nearby hillock in the precincts of the temple and sitting there entered into Spiritual Ecstasy. To commemorate the incident, in the very spot where Holy Mother sat, a stone Mantap was erected. To have the living presence of Holy Mother eternally in our Ashrama and make the Ashrama a universal centre radiating Love, Light and Peace to all corners of the world, a piece of the stone from the place where Holy Mother had sat at Bangalore hillock has enshrined in the top most point. For this purpose an identical rock was created by bringing huge rock blocks from neighbouring quarry. On it plan to erect a grand stone mantap surrounding which a beautiful garden will stand. This will be the first stone monument in the Ashrama when completed.
Sharada Sadan

Jeevan Sandhya

This is the quarters of our Vanaprastha Inmates who are largely senior citizens. The amenities are planned in such a way that they spend the blissful years in spiritual quest and serving in the ashrama. There are few rooms dedicated for guests also and we have plans to have more guest rooms and vanaprastha quarters on the first floor.