Archives These are mostly class notes explaining intricate subjects in a simple lucid way perfectly suiting the modern minds, taught by Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji taught intimately to the junior renunciates. There are some selected letters to devotees.
A Hindu Breviary
Significance of Pilgrimage
A Homage to Mount Kailas and Mana Sarovar-Siva concept
DHARMA in Hinduism – A Comprehensive Understanding
Durga Puja - Its Intention & Inner Significance
Gayatri Mantra and Spiritual Life
Swami Vivekananda - The Prophet of Human Emancipation and Human Integration
The Navaratri Observance
The Prana Concept – Mukhya Prana
The Universal Concept of God
Collection of all writeups by Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj