The emblem of Bailur Math group of institutions is comprehensive representation of the perfect human ideal, The Supreme and the ultimate Goal of the precious human life, as well as the process of living that ideal and reaching that Goal as depicted in and through the life and teachings of the Holy Trio — Bhagavān Sri Rāmakŗishṇa Deva, Mā Shāradā Devi and Swami Vivekānanda. The ideal, the goal, and the life dedicated to them is flowing down as a deep-rooted tradition world-wide and as a peace imparting Global Movement. It was drawn by our spiritual inspiration Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj. The life and teachings of the Holy Trio convey to us:

The Goal
The Way
The Emblem
Thus, in the Emblem, we find the external-most green squarish twelve cornered enclosure representing the entire ever-changing universe, the entire Cosmic Existence. The four projections in four directions indicate ever-changing and ever-expanding phase of the universe. Moving within, next in order is dull-colored lotus — representing universal love. The alternating blunt and sharp petals in that lotus represents sacrifice and service as the inseparable expressions of that universal love for all beings. The inner bright Lotus represents love of God, the Bhakti, devotion which stands as the foundation for practicing all types of spiritual disciplines and also as one of the four Yogās, the Bhakti Yoga. The wavy waters in the emblem symbolize Karma Yoga, and the rising sun symbolize Jñāna Yoga. The encircling serpent is indicative of Rāja Yoga and also the awakened Kunḍalini Śakti [Kunḍalini is innate Transcendental Power in Jīva which was responsible for the origin and the Jīva and its appearance in this universe and, which remains with the Jīva always to make it merge in the Source, the Brahman.] While the Swan at the center stands for the Ātman, which is identical with Paramātman and Brahman. Collectively, the Emblem portrays that— by finding oneness with all beings and the entire Cosmos through universal love, we live as divine beings seeing Divine everywhere; by adopting the four Yogās — Jñāna, Bhakti, Karma and Rāja Yogas, we transcend the Nature and the bodily identity, and realize the Spirit, the Paramātman. And to that effect ‘we meditate offering ourselves entirely to the Supreme Truth’ — Satyam Param Dhīmahi. || सत्यं परं धीमहि || – “The Supreme Truth We Meditate Upon”. The emblem of Sharada Foundation is mirror image of Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Bailur Math), with all same features.