It was around 2004 that from a Common Divine Spring three streams emerged with separate independent identity. The Common Divine Source received the public recognition with the name BAILUR MATH. This Bailur Math is a Lamp lit by a spark of the already existing brightest flame of Divinity and Spirituality, the well-known Ramakrishna Movement. The three independent streams are the three institutions – Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (the Men Monastic Wing), Sharada Foundation (the Women Monastic Wing), Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Mission and Service Wing).
We are a group of women devotees living together with the ideal of renunciation (Sannyāsa) and Service to mankind. The basis is, of course, the Divinity of man and pure Spirituality. Though we came together almost as early as 2004, we felt the need to form a Trust and have an official legal identity as a Math/Ashrama, only in 2014. Since then we have the status as a non-profit making Public Charitable Trust and is recognized and registered under IT Dept., Govt. of India with income-tax exemption for donors under Section 80G.

This Foundation is run by three Sannyāsinīs (Mātājis) with other Vānaprasthīs as permanent residential members, who too are renunciates leading pure spiritual life. This organization is an independent unit which is independently registered as a public charitable trust. To know more about men monastic organization, visit
Inauguration of Ashrama

You can the cherish the memories of Ashrama inauguration from below google photos.
Our Aim & Ideal
The life transforming Divine Life of Holy Mother Sri Sharada Devi is one of absolute purity, of intense faith and devotion, radiating love and peace, of forbearance and compassion, of Motherhood and Divinity. She was an embodiment of love, service and sacrifice, being ever one with Mother Nature and the Society in which we live and also one with the Nation which is our Mother and our life from cradle to grave, and ever one with the entire humanity to which we belong to. These supreme values are the pivot of this Trust. Seeking our own spiritual evolution as also of others around and the urgent need of educating women to live a stress-free and secured life of self-dependence and lasting joy, peace and social security and be of help in building a strong Nation, strong society and a stable social structure — all these have necessitated formation of This Trust. In principles, ideas and ideals as well as goals and activities the organization follows entirely The Ramakrishna Tradition as set by Swami Vivekananda, and thus, is a humble participant in the world encompassing Great Ramakrishna Movement.